I really suck at updating my blog...I'm just saying!
So Ava Grace is almost 15 months now :-o I can't believe it! I call her "tot along", because that is what she does all day; tot around behind me. She's a seasoned pro at walking and being in the pool. Oh how cute she is in her little bathing suit and sun hat strutting her stuff. I thought she would never walk, she was taking forever and then one day she decided crawling was out and walking was in! What fun its been! I realized she could now reach a lot higher and move a lot faster and sometimes her lightning speed is too much for me. Like the morning she dipped her hand in the toilet. I was mortified, thank God for soap!!!!!!! Some of her favorite past times are to pull all of her clean diapers out of the container in her room and throw them about, look to see what's in the kitchen trashcan, eat the cats food ( which is now safety behind a baby gate and out of her reach), watch way too much Mickey Mouse Clubhouse then I can stand, re-arrange the DVD cabinets, chase the cats around the house, hide her passy's and read a LOT of books over and over...or should I say have us read her the same books over and over hehe. My girl loves to read, yay!
Ava Grace has also fallen in love with her Mumba ( Christy, my friend), Bobby ( Bekah), Erin ( just like it sounds- Erin, Christy's daughter) Beebee ( Christy's husband Will) and Danny ( Christy's son Daniel.) I love that she has her own names for all of them, we didn't teach her she just named them on her own. She walks around their house like the owns the joint. She's also blessed with her Papa John and Grammy ( the best grandparents ever!) and her auntie's Cara and Heather, uncle's Chad and Curtis and her best-pal's, her cousins! She loves my dad ( Papa Ed) and enjoy's "talking" to him on the phone. We wish he lived closer, he is also in the category of "best grandparent ever!" My mom is Purple Nana and although she never see's her, she know's who she is and love's her. We are so blessed that she has all of them in her life and will grow up with such love and support not only from us, but from them as well. She and the boys ( her cousins) are getting to the age where they are interacting in play. Last night she and Justus were chasing each other around the house squealing and laughing. I love to watch the three of them strut around Grammy's house together. What a blessing that they are only all two weeks apart in age. It's such a blast!
She and our cat Simba have become good friends. Simba must have been a lab in his earlier life ( j/k) because he allows Ava Grace to pull on him, smack him, lay all over him, chase him and basically torture him and he is fine with all of it. I'm so glad, because she loves cats!
One of the thing that brings me the MOST joy is that she loves to praise and worship! If I turn on praise music she runs to the cd player and begins to dance and raise her hands, she has even shouted "amen!" after a song! I didn't teach her to do that, she's seen it in church but I chalk it up to being blessed by the Lord even at her age. Sometimes if I say "praise the Lord" she throws her hands up and says "amen." I've also taught her how to say "Jesus" and it comes out more like "gjus" but its okay :) She gravitates to the Bible and will sit and listen as I read it. I'm so blessed to see a heart for the Lord being formed in her. I pray every night for her to walk in fear and love for the Lord and have a heart for his house, his people and for ministry. I also pray for her future spouse. I can lead her to water, but I can't make her drink, so as I diligently lead, I pray that she will follow always and choose to live for Christ on her own one day.

She and our cat Simba have become good friends. Simba must have been a lab in his earlier life ( j/k) because he allows Ava Grace to pull on him, smack him, lay all over him, chase him and basically torture him and he is fine with all of it. I'm so glad, because she loves cats!
One of the thing that brings me the MOST joy is that she loves to praise and worship! If I turn on praise music she runs to the cd player and begins to dance and raise her hands, she has even shouted "amen!" after a song! I didn't teach her to do that, she's seen it in church but I chalk it up to being blessed by the Lord even at her age. Sometimes if I say "praise the Lord" she throws her hands up and says "amen." I've also taught her how to say "Jesus" and it comes out more like "gjus" but its okay :) She gravitates to the Bible and will sit and listen as I read it. I'm so blessed to see a heart for the Lord being formed in her. I pray every night for her to walk in fear and love for the Lord and have a heart for his house, his people and for ministry. I also pray for her future spouse. I can lead her to water, but I can't make her drink, so as I diligently lead, I pray that she will follow always and choose to live for Christ on her own one day.
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