Today marks the first day of us just being a family of three again. As many of you know for the the past seven months Jon and I have had Rebekah (my 16 yr old sister) living with us and in January of this year we were granted custody. It has been an adventure! However, there is season for everything and very sadly that season for us came to an end yesterday, as she left to go back to our Dad. :( Words can't really describe how sad I am over it. I thought I would be upset, but I didn't expect to feel such a loss. We were so blessed to have her here and although at times things were difficult, I felt like I had another daughter. It feels strange around the house now and her bathroom and bedroom are so empty :-/ it will take a while to get readjusted and I must admit I am sad that I will be home again by myself, with no one to really talk to expect a one year old heh. Despite the sadness, after a lot of prayer we really felt in our Spirit's that it was in Rebekah's best interest to go to her Dad's. He's recently married a wonderful christian woman and they are making a great like together. They want Rebekah living with them and her daughter who is a couple years younger then Bekah, wants the same. Rebekah has many educational and musical opportunities out there that Jon and I can't provide for her here. She should be with a parent, she has a nice church to go to, a nice home and my Dad can provide a car for her. The dynamic of my dad's has changed drastically and that is why we felt at peace for her to go. I feel at peace, but that doesn't mean I don't want to snatch her right back and bring her home! I absolutely would! But what God wants and what we want doesn't always line up.
In the past 7 months Rebekah has matured and come leaps and bounds from where she was the night we took her from my mom's house. She has been counseled and absorbed in church two times a week. She did excellent this semester in school and even held a part time job in town. She grew much closer to the Lord and overcame some tough emotional hurdles in her life. She also overcame alcohol and drugs. She made great friends that love and support her and she is dating mine and Jon's nephew Mason, which I'm very thankful for. Her glow returned to her face and she wasn't afraid to laugh and smile anymore. I watched her blossom. When I look at where she is now I am filled with joy at what God can do! I guess our home was only supposed to be a place for healing and then she would be on her way. I am confident that she will continue to do well. I know that God will complete the good work he has begun in her.

I didn't really get to know you very well, but we did work in the nursery together one Sunday last month. This morning was to be our second Sunday together and when i was getting ready for church I realized you would not be there and was disappointed, I kinow that God has great plans for you and will keep you in the palm of His hand if that is where you shoose to stay. Will miss your smile, but would love to know what's going on. If you want an "old woman" as a friend on facebook, look me up. Oraying for you- Tonya Allison
Wow!! What a transformation! I'm so proud of you Bekah. You're amazing, and no matter where you go you're going to do great things! I love you!
Bekah, you know I have so grown to love you and respect the young woman you have become. I am always here for you if you need me but remember, He has plans for you, plans to prosper you and grow you into this wonderful Christian woman and I look forward to watching that.
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