Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Baby time!

Don't get excited over the title, I am NOT pregnant again. This is a flashback to two years ago this month when I did find out I would be a mommy for the first time!!!

Great day, wonderful me memories!

And now this is what came from that stick...or technically from our cells, but anyway...



fowler said...

And you got me so excited!

Liter8ure said...

Oh for shame Tiff.. All I saw was the title and the pictures. Then I saw the 'NOT'. I was so thrilled!

Tiffany said...

LOL I knew that people would be like "OMG!!" Come on ya'll, you know I'd post it on fb first :)

Tiffany said...

I also love how I accidentally put "me memories" what's a me memory? haha that's what I get for writing while Jon's talking to me.